I don't mean you at all when I say this but people tend to make such a big (not to say enormous) deal of this kind of detail in Yandere Simulator specifically while it has absolutely 0 effects on your experience playing the game. Exactly like I thought and still think Natsuki is 15 at the time of the story of DDLC despite the game saying she is "18 or older". For me, Hanako is 15, Ayano has just celebrated her 17th birthday and Senpai is in his late 17s or early 18s, it doesn't matter if the game tries to convince me otherwise. It's best to think of it this way: the characters in Yandere Simulator have the age you want them to have. He's just so smexy Osor Shidesu It's so adorable how Osor gives Ayano his jacket and really loves it inside but doesn't want people to find out. The fact they are all 18 is purely, and I even dare to say uniquely for legal reasons and to have much more freedom in making the characters of the game do basically everything you want them to do (such as smoking cigarettes for instance) without it sounding wrong in terms of legality. Yandere Simulator Fanon Wikia:Workshop/Yandere Simulator Final Game Fanmade Mod. Mido Rana DANG IT I WOULD LOVE FOR HIM TO BE MY SUBSTITUTE TEACHER SHOOT IM DROOLING DDXX GAAAAAHHH. To be frank, you should care less about their age, that's the best way to not get upset.